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The club starts young players (aged 6-9) in a Development Squad, which is a fun, low-stress environment. Dev Squads can be created at any time, based on demand & availability. For older & more experienced players, we will add them to an existing team immediately, if a place is available, or else they they may join a waitlist until we have enough players (and a coach!) to create a new team at the start of the next season.
Netball has two seasons per year: Autumn Season, which runs in school Terms 1 & 2, and Spring Season in Terms 3 & 4.
Cost: Our registration fee is $308 per season (including GST), with discounts available for concession and families (2+ children). As well as this, players require an annual Netball Victoria membership, which is $64 per year, and we pass on $48 per season to cover gate entry for spectators of teams that play at Parkville Stadium.
More info is available in our Prices & FAQ.
You may also wish to view our Training and Match Times & Venues.